
+ special guests

Two unique nights with Djevel. A one-time only event. Special guests will be announced at a later time.

As much as the last three weeks have set us back both emotionally and practically we have also come to the conclusion that we will perform the two Oslo gigs already planned at Parkteateret on the 21. and 22. of November.

Not only for our own sake in order to process our loss but also to fulfill these two gigs as a tribute to the life and musical work of Trånn Ciekals. Jan Even Åsli will be filling in for Trånn and we are deeply grateful for the effort Jan Even will put into this with us. We will also team up with old members to make this work out as planned.

We will inform you with more details when we know. But what we do know is that this will be the last chance to see Djevel ever and we hope that you all will celebrate the band and Trånn these two dark autumn evenings with us. – Djevel

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Foto: Gronnen Hell.

395,- / 695,- (helgepass) +avg.
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